Last login: Mon Jan 29 10:13:38 on ttys000
MACui-MacBook-Pro:~ mac$ ls -al -> // 현재 경로 확인
total 88
drwxr-xr-x+ 34 mac staff 1088 1 29 11:01 .
drwxr-xr-x 6 root admin 192 12 27 15:43 ..
-r-------- 1 mac staff 8 12 26 19:12 .CFUserTextEncoding
-rw-r--r--@ 1 mac staff 12292 1 28 16:31 .DS_Store
drwx------ 122 mac staff 3904 1 29 11:34 .Trash
-rw------- 1 mac staff 1492 1 29 10:14 .bash_history
drwx------ 70 mac staff 2240 1 29 11:36 .bash_sessions
drwx------ 4 mac staff 128 1 24 13:29 .config
drwx------ 12 mac staff 384 1 12 10:08 .dropbox
-rw-r--r-- 1 mac staff 361 1 29 11:01 .gitconfig
-rw-r--r-- 1 mac staff 13 9 11 00:35 .gitignore_global
-rw-r--r-- 1 mac staff 27 9 11 00:35 .hgignore_global
drwxr-xr-x 6 mac staff 192 1 25 12:24 .npm
drwx------ 4 mac staff 128 12 26 21:00 .ssh
drwxr-xr-x 9 mac staff 288 1 29 10:13 .vagrant.d
-rw------- 1 mac staff 7575 12 28 12:59 .viminfo
drwxr-xr-x 3 mac staff 96 1 24 13:31 .vscode
drwxr-xr-x 3 mac staff 96 1 24 13:37 .vue-templates
drwx------@ 3 mac staff 96 12 27 11:27 Applications
drwxrwxr-x@ 3 mac staff 96 1 28 14:17 Creative Cloud Files
drwx------+ 6 mac staff 192 1 25 18:08 Desktop
drwx------+ 4 mac staff 128 1 2 10:20 Documents
drwx------+ 19 mac staff 608 1 27 14:56 Downloads
drwx------@ 14 mac staff 448 1 15 12:08 Dropbox
drwxr-xr-x 25 mac staff 800 12 28 12:57 Homestead
drwx------@ 73 mac staff 2336 1 27 13:38 Library
drwx------+ 3 mac staff 96 12 26 19:12 Movies
drwx------+ 4 mac staff 128 1 2 10:50 Music
drwx------+ 5 mac staff 160 1 10 19:38 Pictures
drwxr-xr-x+ 4 mac staff 128 12 26 19:12 Public
drwx------ 3 mac staff 96 12 26 21:01 VirtualBox VMs
drwxr-xr-x 4 mac staff 128 12 29 10:26 code
drwxr-xr-x 22 mac staff 704 1 28 16:42 hellovuejs
drwxr-xr-x 3 mac staff 96 1 27 13:33 vue_js
MACui-MacBook-Pro:~ mac$ cd Homestead/ -> // Homestead 폴더 접속
MACui-MacBook-Pro:Homestead mac$ ls -al -> // 현재 경로 확인
total 248
drwxr-xr-x 25 mac staff 800 12 28 12:57 .
drwxr-xr-x+ 34 mac staff 1088 1 29 11:01 ..
drwxr-xr-x 12 mac staff 384 12 26 20:59 .git
-rw-r--r-- 1 mac staff 14 12 26 20:59 .gitattributes
drwxr-xr-x 3 mac staff 96 12 26 20:59 .github
-rw-r--r-- 1 mac staff 81 12 26 20:59 .gitignore
-rw-r--r-- 1 mac staff 261 12 26 20:59 .travis.yml
drwxr-xr-x 3 mac staff 96 12 26 21:01 .vagrant
-rw-r--r-- 1 mac staff 187 12 26 20:59
-rw-r--r-- 1 mac staff 489 12 28 12:50 Homestead.yaml
-rw-r--r-- 1 mac staff 1077 12 26 20:59 LICENSE.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 mac staff 1655 12 26 20:59 Vagrantfile
-rw-r--r-- 1 mac staff 177 12 26 20:59
-rw-r--r-- 1 mac staff 6639 12 26 20:59 aliases
drwxr-xr-x 3 mac staff 96 12 26 20:59 bin
-rw-r--r-- 1 mac staff 809 12 26 20:59 composer.json
-rw-r--r-- 1 mac staff 63327 12 26 20:59 composer.lock
-rw-r--r-- 1 mac staff 265 12 26 20:59 init.bat
-rw-r--r-- 1 mac staff 250 12 26 20:59
-rw-r--r-- 1 mac staff 383 12 26 20:59 phpunit.xml.dist
-rw-r--r-- 1 mac staff 1404 12 26 20:59
drwxr-xr-x 7 mac staff 224 12 26 20:59 resources
drwxr-xr-x 28 mac staff 896 12 26 20:59 scripts
drwxr-xr-x 5 mac staff 160 12 26 20:59 src
drwxr-xr-x 6 mac staff 192 12 26 20:59 tests
MACui-MacBook-Pro:Homestead mac$ vagrant ssh -> // vagrant 접속
Welcome to Ubuntu 16.04.3 LTS (GNU/Linux 4.4.0-101-generic x86_64)
* Documentation:
* Management:
* Support:
0 packages can be updated.
0 updates are security updates.
Last login: Thu Jan 25 09:03:32 2018 from
vagrant@homestead:~$ cd code/ -> // 서버 접속 완료 code 폴더 접속
vagrant@homestead:~/code$ ls -al -> // 현재 경로 확인
total 12
drwxr-xr-x 1 vagrant vagrant 128 Dec 29 01:26 .
drwxr-xr-x 11 vagrant vagrant 4096 Jan 12 16:39 ..
-rw-r--r-- 1 vagrant vagrant 6148 Jan 5 01:35 .DS_Store
drwxr-xr-x 1 vagrant vagrant 928 Jan 25 09:16 eCommerce
vagrant@homestead:~/code$ cd eCommerce/ -> // eCommerce 폴더 접속
vagrant@homestead:~/code/eCommerce$ ls -al -> // 현재 경로 확인
total 1020
drwxr-xr-x 1 vagrant vagrant 928 Jan 25 09:16 .
drwxr-xr-x 1 vagrant vagrant 128 Dec 29 01:26 ..
drwxr-xr-x 1 vagrant vagrant 320 Dec 28 03:56 app
-rw-r--r-- 1 vagrant vagrant 1686 Dec 28 03:56 artisan
drwxr-xr-x 1 vagrant vagrant 128 Dec 28 03:56 bootstrap
-rw-r--r-- 1 vagrant vagrant 1722 Jan 25 08:58 composer.json
-rw-r--r-- 1 vagrant vagrant 178804 Jan 25 09:12 composer.lock
drwxr-xr-x 1 vagrant vagrant 576 Jan 4 04:52 config
drwxr-xr-x 1 vagrant vagrant 192 Dec 28 03:56 database
-rw-r--r-- 1 vagrant vagrant 10244 Jan 5 01:35 .DS_Store
-rw-r--r-- 1 vagrant vagrant 1069 Jan 25 09:11 .env
-rw-r--r-- 1 vagrant vagrant 958 Jan 25 08:58 .env.example
drwxr-xr-x 1 vagrant vagrant 416 Jan 29 02:36 .git
-rw-r--r-- 1 vagrant vagrant 111 Dec 28 03:56 .gitattributes
-rw-r--r-- 1 vagrant vagrant 205 Jan 25 09:16 .gitignore
drwxr-xr-x 1 vagrant vagrant 288 Jan 29 02:36 .idea
drwxr-xr-x 1 vagrant vagrant 30080 Jan 25 03:24 node_modules
-rw-r--r-- 1 vagrant vagrant 1126 Dec 28 03:56 package.json
-rw-r--r-- 1 vagrant vagrant 561882 Jan 25 08:58 package-lock.json
-rw-r--r-- 1 vagrant vagrant 1040 Dec 28 03:56 phpunit.xml
drwxr-xr-x 1 vagrant vagrant 384 Jan 18 11:52 public
drwxr-xr-x 1 vagrant vagrant 192 Dec 29 01:25 resources
drwxr-xr-x 1 vagrant vagrant 192 Jan 29 02:36 routes
-rw-r--r-- 1 vagrant vagrant 563 Dec 28 03:56 server.php
drwxr-xr-x 1 vagrant vagrant 192 Dec 28 03:56 storage
drwxr-xr-x 1 vagrant vagrant 192 Dec 28 03:56 tests
drwxr-xr-x 1 vagrant vagrant 1568 Jan 25 09:12 vendor
-rw-r--r-- 1 vagrant vagrant 549 Dec 28 03:56 webpack.mix.js
-rw-r--r-- 1 vagrant vagrant 226574 Dec 28 03:56 yarn.lock
vagrant@homestead:~/code/eCommerce$ art -> // 아티즌(artisan)은 라라벨에 포함된 커맨드라인 인터페이스(CLI)의 이름. 아티즌은 어플리케이션 개발에 도움을 주는 많은 명령어들을 제공합니다. 실행 가능한 아티즌 명령어 목록을 확인하려면 'php artisan list' 를 입력합니다.
Laravel Framework 5.5.32
command [options] [arguments]
-h, --help Display this help message
-q, --quiet Do not output any message
-V, --version Display this application version
--ansi Force ANSI output
--no-ansi Disable ANSI output
-n, --no-interaction Do not ask any interactive question
--env[=ENV] The environment the command should run under
-v|vv|vvv, --verbose Increase the verbosity of messages: 1 for normal output, 2 for more verbose output and 3 for debug
Available commands:
clear-compiled Remove the compiled class file
down Put the application into maintenance mode
env Display the current framework environment
help Displays help for a command
inspire Display an inspiring quote
list Lists commands
migrate Run the database migrations
optimize Optimize the framework for better performance (deprecated)
preset Swap the front-end scaffolding for the application
serve Serve the application on the PHP development server
tinker Interact with your application
up Bring the application out of maintenance mode
api-key:generate Generate an API key
app:name Set the application namespace
auth:clear-resets Flush expired password reset tokens
cache:clear Flush the application cache
cache:forget Remove an item from the cache
cache:table Create a migration for the cache database table
config:cache Create a cache file for faster configuration loading
config:clear Remove the configuration cache file
db:seed Seed the database with records
debugbar:clear Clear the Debugbar Storage
event:generate Generate the missing events and listeners based on registration
key:generate Set the application key
make:auth Scaffold basic login and registration views and routes
make:command Create a new Artisan command
make:controller Create a new controller class
make:event Create a new event class
make:exception Create a new custom exception class
make:factory Create a new model factory
make:job Create a new job class
make:listener Create a new event listener class
make:mail Create a new email class
make:middleware Create a new middleware class
make:migration Create a new migration file
make:model Create a new Eloquent model class
make:notification Create a new notification class
make:policy Create a new policy class
make:provider Create a new service provider class
make:request Create a new form request class
make:resource Create a new resource
make:rule Create a new validation rule
make:seeder Create a new seeder class
make:test Create a new test class
migrate:fresh Drop all tables and re-run all migrations
migrate:install Create the migration repository
migrate:refresh Reset and re-run all migrations
migrate:reset Rollback all database migrations
migrate:rollback Rollback the last database migration
migrate:status Show the status of each migration
notifications:table Create a migration for the notifications table
package:discover Rebuild the cached package manifest
queue:failed List all of the failed queue jobs
queue:failed-table Create a migration for the failed queue jobs database table
queue:flush Flush all of the failed queue jobs
queue:forget Delete a failed queue job
queue:listen Listen to a given queue
queue:restart Restart queue worker daemons after their current job
queue:retry Retry a failed queue job
queue:table Create a migration for the queue jobs database table
queue:work Start processing jobs on the queue as a daemon
route:cache Create a route cache file for faster route registration
route:clear Remove the route cache file
route:list List all registered routes
schedule:run Run the scheduled commands
session:table Create a migration for the session database table
slack:post Send a message to Slack
slack:stats Send recent stats to slack
storage:link Create a symbolic link from "public/storage" to "storage/app/public"
vendor:publish Publish any publishable assets from vendor packages
view:clear Clear all compiled view files
vagrant@homestead:~/code/eCommerce$ art route:list -> // 서버에 연결된 파일 경로 확인
| Domain | Method | URI | Name | Action | Middleware |
| platform.test | GET|HEAD | / | | Closure | web |
| store.platform.test | GET|HEAD | / | | App\Http\Controllers\Store\DashboardController@index | web,role:store,auth |
| admin.platform.test | GET|HEAD | / | admin. | App\Http\Controllers\Admin\DashboardController@index | web,role:administrator,auth |
| media.platform.test | GET|HEAD | / | | App\Http\Controllers\Media\DashboardController@index | web,role:media,auth |
| | GET|HEAD | _debugbar/assets/javascript | debugbar.assets.js | Barryvdh\Debugbar\Controllers\AssetController@js | Barryvdh\Debugbar\Middleware\DebugbarEnabled |
| | GET|HEAD | _debugbar/assets/stylesheets | debugbar.assets.css | Barryvdh\Debugbar\Controllers\AssetController@css | Barryvdh\Debugbar\Middleware\DebugbarEnabled |
| | GET|HEAD | _debugbar/clockwork/{id} | debugbar.clockwork | Barryvdh\Debugbar\Controllers\OpenHandlerController@clockwork | Barryvdh\Debugbar\Middleware\DebugbarEnabled |
| | GET|HEAD | _debugbar/open | debugbar.openhandler | Barryvdh\Debugbar\Controllers\OpenHandlerController@handle | Barryvdh\Debugbar\Middleware\DebugbarEnabled |
| store.platform.test | GET|HEAD | billings | | App\Http\Controllers\Store\Billing\BillingController@index | web,role:store,auth |
| store.platform.test | GET|HEAD | billings/hold | | App\Http\Controllers\Store\Billing\BillingController@hold | web,role:store,auth |
| store.platform.test | GET|HEAD | billings/schedule | | App\Http\Controllers\Store\Billing\BillingController@schedule | web,role:store,auth |
| store.platform.test | GET|HEAD | billingtest | billingtest.index | App\Http\Controllers\Store\BillingController@index | web,role:store,auth |
| store.platform.test | POST | billingtest | | App\Http\Controllers\Store\BillingController@store | web,role:store,auth |
| store.platform.test | GET|HEAD | billingtest/create | billingtest.create | App\Http\Controllers\Store\BillingController@create | web,role:store,auth |
| store.platform.test | PUT|PATCH | billingtest/{billingtest} | billingtest.update | App\Http\Controllers\Store\BillingController@update | web,role:store,auth |
| store.platform.test | DELETE | billingtest/{billingtest} | billingtest.destroy | App\Http\Controllers\Store\BillingController@destroy | web,role:store,auth |
| store.platform.test | GET|HEAD | billingtest/{billingtest} | | App\Http\Controllers\Store\BillingController@show | web,role:store,auth |
| store.platform.test | GET|HEAD | billingtest/{billingtest}/edit | billingtest.edit | App\Http\Controllers\Store\BillingController@edit | web,role:store,auth |
| store.platform.test | POST | claim/claim | | App\Http\Controllers\Store\Claim\ClaimController@store | web,role:store,auth |
| store.platform.test | GET|HEAD | claim/claim | claim.index | App\Http\Controllers\Store\Claim\ClaimController@index | web,role:store,auth |
| store.platform.test | GET|HEAD | claim/claim/create | claim.create | App\Http\Controllers\Store\Claim\ClaimController@create | web,role:store,auth |
| store.platform.test | DELETE | claim/claim/{claim} | claim.destroy | App\Http\Controllers\Store\Claim\ClaimController@destroy | web,role:store,auth |
| store.platform.test | GET|HEAD | claim/claim/{claim} | | App\Http\Controllers\Store\Claim\ClaimController@show | web,role:store,auth |
| store.platform.test | PUT|PATCH | claim/claim/{claim} | claim.update | App\Http\Controllers\Store\Claim\ClaimController@update | web,role:store,auth |
| store.platform.test | GET|HEAD | claim/claim/{claim}/edit | claim.edit | App\Http\Controllers\Store\Claim\ClaimController@edit | web,role:store,auth |
| media.platform.test | GET|HEAD | clients | clients.index | App\Http\Controllers\Media\ClientsController@index | web,role:media,auth |
| media.platform.test | POST | clients | | App\Http\Controllers\Media\ClientsController@store | web,role:media,auth |
| media.platform.test | GET|HEAD | clients/create | clients.create | App\Http\Controllers\Media\ClientsController@create | web,role:media,auth |
| media.platform.test | PUT|PATCH | clients/{client} | clients.update | App\Http\Controllers\Media\ClientsController@update | web,role:media,auth |
| media.platform.test | DELETE | clients/{client} | clients.destroy | App\Http\Controllers\Media\ClientsController@destroy | web,role:media,auth |
| media.platform.test | GET|HEAD | clients/{client}/edit | clients.edit | App\Http\Controllers\Media\ClientsController@edit | web,role:media,auth |
| admin.platform.test | POST | config/shippers | | App\Http\Controllers\Admin\Config\ShippersController@store | web,role:administrator,auth |
| admin.platform.test | GET|HEAD | config/shippers | admin.config.shippers.index | App\Http\Controllers\Admin\Config\ShippersController@index | web,role:administrator,auth |
| admin.platform.test | GET|HEAD | config/shippers/create | admin.config.shippers.create | App\Http\Controllers\Admin\Config\ShippersController@create | web,role:administrator,auth |
| admin.platform.test | DELETE | config/shippers/{shipper} | admin.config.shippers.destroy | App\Http\Controllers\Admin\Config\ShippersController@destroy | web,role:administrator,auth |
| admin.platform.test | PUT|PATCH | config/shippers/{shipper} | admin.config.shippers.update | App\Http\Controllers\Admin\Config\ShippersController@update | web,role:administrator,auth |
| admin.platform.test | GET|HEAD | config/shippers/{shipper} | | App\Http\Controllers\Admin\Config\ShippersController@show | web,role:administrator,auth |
| admin.platform.test | GET|HEAD | config/shippers/{shipper}/edit | admin.config.shippers.edit | App\Http\Controllers\Admin\Config\ShippersController@edit | web,role:administrator,auth |
| store.platform.test | GET|HEAD | info/areadelivery | areadelivery.index | App\Http\Controllers\Store\Info\AreaDeliveryController@index | web,role:store,auth |
| store.platform.test | POST | info/areadelivery | | App\Http\Controllers\Store\Info\AreaDeliveryController@store | web,role:store,auth |
| store.platform.test | GET|HEAD | info/areadelivery/create | areadelivery.create | App\Http\Controllers\Store\Info\AreaDeliveryController@create | web,role:store,auth |
| store.platform.test | DELETE | info/areadelivery/{areadelivery} | areadelivery.destroy | App\Http\Controllers\Store\Info\AreaDeliveryController@destroy | web,role:store,auth |
| store.platform.test | PUT|PATCH | info/areadelivery/{areadelivery} | areadelivery.update | App\Http\Controllers\Store\Info\AreaDeliveryController@update | web,role:store,auth |
| store.platform.test | GET|HEAD | info/areadelivery/{areadelivery} | | App\Http\Controllers\Store\Info\AreaDeliveryController@show | web,role:store,auth |
| store.platform.test | GET|HEAD | info/areadelivery/{areadelivery}/edit | areadelivery.edit | App\Http\Controllers\Store\Info\AreaDeliveryController@edit | web,role:store,auth |
| store.platform.test | GET|HEAD | info/basic | basic.index | App\Http\Controllers\Store\Info\BasicController@index | web,role:store,auth |
| store.platform.test | POST | info/basic | | App\Http\Controllers\Store\Info\BasicController@store | web,role:store,auth |
| store.platform.test | GET|HEAD | info/basic/create | basic.create | App\Http\Controllers\Store\Info\BasicController@create | web,role:store,auth |
| store.platform.test | GET|HEAD | info/basic/{basic} | | App\Http\Controllers\Store\Info\BasicController@show | web,role:store,auth |
| store.platform.test | DELETE | info/basic/{basic} | basic.destroy | App\Http\Controllers\Store\Info\BasicController@destroy | web,role:store,auth |
| store.platform.test | PUT|PATCH | info/basic/{basic} | basic.update | App\Http\Controllers\Store\Info\BasicController@update | web,role:store,auth |
| store.platform.test | GET|HEAD | info/basic/{basic}/edit | basic.edit | App\Http\Controllers\Store\Info\BasicController@edit | web,role:store,auth |
| store.platform.test | POST | info/deliverycompany | | App\Http\Controllers\Store\Info\DeliveryCompanyController@store | web,role:store,auth |
| store.platform.test | GET|HEAD | info/deliverycompany | deliverycompany.index | App\Http\Controllers\Store\Info\DeliveryCompanyController@index | web,role:store,auth |
| store.platform.test | GET|HEAD | info/deliverycompany/create | deliverycompany.create | App\Http\Controllers\Store\Info\DeliveryCompanyController@create | web,role:store,auth |
| store.platform.test | PUT | info/deliverycompany/updateShipperStore/{updateShipperStore} | deliverycompany.updateShipperStore | App\Http\Controllers\Store\Info\DeliveryCompanyController@updateShipperStore | web,role:store,auth |
| store.platform.test | DELETE | info/deliverycompany/{deliverycompany} | deliverycompany.destroy | App\Http\Controllers\Store\Info\DeliveryCompanyController@destroy | web,role:store,auth |
| store.platform.test | PUT|PATCH | info/deliverycompany/{deliverycompany} | deliverycompany.update | App\Http\Controllers\Store\Info\DeliveryCompanyController@update | web,role:store,auth |
| store.platform.test | GET|HEAD | info/deliverycompany/{deliverycompany} | | App\Http\Controllers\Store\Info\DeliveryCompanyController@show | web,role:store,auth |
| store.platform.test | GET|HEAD | info/deliverycompany/{deliverycompany}/edit | deliverycompany.edit | App\Http\Controllers\Store\Info\DeliveryCompanyController@edit | web,role:store,auth |
| store.platform.test | POST | info/deliverycondition | | App\Http\Controllers\Store\Info\DeliveryConditionController@store | web,role:store,auth |
| store.platform.test | GET|HEAD | info/deliverycondition | deliverycondition.index | App\Http\Controllers\Store\Info\DeliveryConditionController@index | web,role:store,auth |
| store.platform.test | GET|HEAD | info/deliverycondition/create | deliverycondition.create | App\Http\Controllers\Store\Info\DeliveryConditionController@create | web,role:store,auth |
| store.platform.test | DELETE | info/deliverycondition/deleteShipAddAreaPrice/{deleteShipAddAreaPrice} | deliverycondition.deleteShipAddAreaPrice | App\Http\Controllers\Store\Info\DeliveryConditionController@deleteShipAddAreaPrice | web,role:store,auth |
| store.platform.test | DELETE | info/deliverycondition/deleteShipConditions/{deleteShipConditions} | deliverycondition.deleteShipConditions | App\Http\Controllers\Store\Info\DeliveryConditionController@deleteShipConditions | web,role:store,auth |
| store.platform.test | POST | info/deliverycondition/registShipAddAreaPrice | deliverycondition.registShipAddAreaPrice | App\Http\Controllers\Store\Info\DeliveryConditionController@registShipAddAreaPrice | web,role:store,auth |
| store.platform.test | POST | info/deliverycondition/registShipConditions | deliverycondition.registShipConditions | App\Http\Controllers\Store\Info\DeliveryConditionController@registShipConditions | web,role:store,auth |
| store.platform.test | POST | info/deliverycondition/selectArea | deliverycondition.selectArea | App\Http\Controllers\Store\Info\DeliveryConditionController@selectArea | web,role:store,auth |
| store.platform.test | PUT | info/deliverycondition/updateShipAddAreaPrice/{updateShipAddAreaPrice} | deliverycondition.updateShipAddAreaPrice | App\Http\Controllers\Store\Info\DeliveryConditionController@updateShipAddAreaPrice | web,role:store,auth |
| store.platform.test | PUT | info/deliverycondition/updateShipConditions/{updateShipConditions} | deliverycondition.updateShipConditions | App\Http\Controllers\Store\Info\DeliveryConditionController@updateShipConditions | web,role:store,auth |
| store.platform.test | PUT|PATCH | info/deliverycondition/{deliverycondition} | deliverycondition.update | App\Http\Controllers\Store\Info\DeliveryConditionController@update | web,role:store,auth |
| store.platform.test | DELETE | info/deliverycondition/{deliverycondition} | deliverycondition.destroy | App\Http\Controllers\Store\Info\DeliveryConditionController@destroy | web,role:store,auth |
| store.platform.test | GET|HEAD | info/deliverycondition/{deliverycondition} | | App\Http\Controllers\Store\Info\DeliveryConditionController@show | web,role:store,auth |
| store.platform.test | GET|HEAD | info/deliverycondition/{deliverycondition}/edit | deliverycondition.edit | App\Http\Controllers\Store\Info\DeliveryConditionController@edit | web,role:store,auth |
| store.platform.test | GET|HEAD | info/deliverycondition/{editShipAddAreaPrice}/editShipAddAreaPrice | deliverycondition.editShipAddAreaPrice | App\Http\Controllers\Store\Info\DeliveryConditionController@editShipAddAreaPrice | web,role:store,auth |
| store.platform.test | GET|HEAD | info/deliverycondition/{editShipConditions}/editShipConditions | deliverycondition.editShipConditions | App\Http\Controllers\Store\Info\DeliveryConditionController@editShipConditions | web,role:store,auth |
| store.platform.test | POST | info/productdetailinfo | | App\Http\Controllers\Store\Info\ProductDetailInfoController@store | web,role:store,auth |
| store.platform.test | GET|HEAD | info/productdetailinfo | productdetailinfo.index | App\Http\Controllers\Store\Info\ProductDetailInfoController@index | web,role:store,auth |
| store.platform.test | GET|HEAD | info/productdetailinfo/create | productdetailinfo.create | App\Http\Controllers\Store\Info\ProductDetailInfoController@create | web,role:store,auth |
| store.platform.test | DELETE | info/productdetailinfo/deleteStoreProductDescriptions/{deleteStoreProductDescriptions} | productdetailinfo.deleteStoreProductDescriptions | App\Http\Controllers\Store\Info\ProductDetailInfoController@deleteStoreProductDescriptions | web,role:store,auth |
| store.platform.test | POST | info/productdetailinfo/registStoreProductDescriptions | productdetailinfo.registStoreProductDescriptions | App\Http\Controllers\Store\Info\ProductDetailInfoController@registStoreProductDescriptions | web,role:store,auth |
| store.platform.test | PUT | info/productdetailinfo/updateStoreProductDescriptions/{updateStoreProductDescriptions} | productdetailinfo.updateStoreProductDescriptions | App\Http\Controllers\Store\Info\ProductDetailInfoController@updateStoreProductDescriptions | web,role:store,auth |
| store.platform.test | GET|HEAD | info/productdetailinfo/{editStoreProductDescriptions}/editStoreProductDescriptions | productdetailinfo.editStoreProductDescriptions | App\Http\Controllers\Store\Info\ProductDetailInfoController@editStoreProductDescriptions | web,role:store,auth |
| store.platform.test | GET|HEAD | info/productdetailinfo/{productdetailinfo} | | App\Http\Controllers\Store\Info\ProductDetailInfoController@show | web,role:store,auth |
| store.platform.test | DELETE | info/productdetailinfo/{productdetailinfo} | productdetailinfo.destroy | App\Http\Controllers\Store\Info\ProductDetailInfoController@destroy | web,role:store,auth |
| store.platform.test | PUT|PATCH | info/productdetailinfo/{productdetailinfo} | productdetailinfo.update | App\Http\Controllers\Store\Info\ProductDetailInfoController@update | web,role:store,auth |
| store.platform.test | GET|HEAD | info/productdetailinfo/{productdetailinfo}/edit | productdetailinfo.edit | App\Http\Controllers\Store\Info\ProductDetailInfoController@edit | web,role:store,auth |
| | GET|HEAD | login | login | App\Http\Controllers\Auth\LoginController@showLoginForm | web,guest |
| | POST | login | | App\Http\Controllers\Auth\LoginController@login | web,guest |
| | POST | logout | logout | App\Http\Controllers\Auth\LoginController@logout | web |
| admin.platform.test | GET|HEAD | media | admin. | App\Http\Controllers\Admin\Media\MediaController@index | web,role:administrator,auth |
| admin.platform.test | POST | media/active | admin. | App\Http\Controllers\Admin\Media\MediaController@active | web,role:administrator,auth |
| store.platform.test | GET|HEAD | media/media | media.index | App\Http\Controllers\Store\Media\MediaController@index | web,role:store,auth |
| store.platform.test | POST | media/media | | App\Http\Controllers\Store\Media\MediaController@store | web,role:store,auth |
| store.platform.test | GET|HEAD | media/media/create | media.create | App\Http\Controllers\Store\Media\MediaController@create | web,role:store,auth |
| store.platform.test | PUT | media/media/updateStoreMargins/{updateStoreMargins} | media.updateStoreMargins | App\Http\Controllers\Store\Media\MediaController@updateStoreMargins | web,role:store,auth |
| store.platform.test | GET|HEAD | media/media/{medium} | | App\Http\Controllers\Store\Media\MediaController@show | web,role:store,auth |
| store.platform.test | PUT|PATCH | media/media/{medium} | media.update | App\Http\Controllers\Store\Media\MediaController@update | web,role:store,auth |
| store.platform.test | DELETE | media/media/{medium} | media.destroy | App\Http\Controllers\Store\Media\MediaController@destroy | web,role:store,auth |
| store.platform.test | GET|HEAD | media/media/{medium}/edit | media.edit | App\Http\Controllers\Store\Media\MediaController@edit | web,role:store,auth |
| admin.platform.test | POST | media/registFee | admin. | App\Http\Controllers\Admin\Media\MediaController@registFee | web,role:administrator,auth |
| admin.platform.test | GET|HEAD | media/{id} | admin. | App\Http\Controllers\Admin\Media\MediaController@show | web,role:administrator,auth |
| media.platform.test | GET|HEAD | notice/notice | notice.index | App\Http\Controllers\Media\Notice\NoticeController@index | web,role:media,auth |
| store.platform.test | GET|HEAD | notice/notice | notice.index | App\Http\Controllers\Store\Notice\NoticeController@index | web,role:store,auth |
| store.platform.test | POST | notice/notice | | App\Http\Controllers\Store\Notice\NoticeController@store | web,role:store,auth |
| media.platform.test | POST | notice/notice | | App\Http\Controllers\Media\Notice\NoticeController@store | web,role:media,auth |
| store.platform.test | GET|HEAD | notice/notice/create | notice.create | App\Http\Controllers\Store\Notice\NoticeController@create | web,role:store,auth |
| media.platform.test | GET|HEAD | notice/notice/create | notice.create | App\Http\Controllers\Media\Notice\NoticeController@create | web,role:media,auth |
| media.platform.test | GET|HEAD | notice/notice/{notice} | | App\Http\Controllers\Media\Notice\NoticeController@show | web,role:media,auth |
| media.platform.test | PUT|PATCH | notice/notice/{notice} | notice.update | App\Http\Controllers\Media\Notice\NoticeController@update | web,role:media,auth |
| media.platform.test | DELETE | notice/notice/{notice} | notice.destroy | App\Http\Controllers\Media\Notice\NoticeController@destroy | web,role:media,auth |
| store.platform.test | PUT|PATCH | notice/notice/{notice} | notice.update | App\Http\Controllers\Store\Notice\NoticeController@update | web,role:store,auth |
| store.platform.test | DELETE | notice/notice/{notice} | notice.destroy | App\Http\Controllers\Store\Notice\NoticeController@destroy | web,role:store,auth |
| store.platform.test | GET|HEAD | notice/notice/{notice} | | App\Http\Controllers\Store\Notice\NoticeController@show | web,role:store,auth |
| media.platform.test | GET|HEAD | notice/notice/{notice}/edit | notice.edit | App\Http\Controllers\Media\Notice\NoticeController@edit | web,role:media,auth |
| store.platform.test | GET|HEAD | notice/notice/{notice}/edit | notice.edit | App\Http\Controllers\Store\Notice\NoticeController@edit | web,role:store,auth |
| media.platform.test | GET|HEAD | notice/notification | notification.index | App\Http\Controllers\Media\Notice\NotificationController@index | web,role:media,auth |
| store.platform.test | POST | notice/notification | | App\Http\Controllers\Store\Notice\NotificationController@store | web,role:store,auth |
| store.platform.test | GET|HEAD | notice/notification | notification.index | App\Http\Controllers\Store\Notice\NotificationController@index | web,role:store,auth |
| media.platform.test | POST | notice/notification | | App\Http\Controllers\Media\Notice\NotificationController@store | web,role:media,auth |
| store.platform.test | GET|HEAD | notice/notification/create | notification.create | App\Http\Controllers\Store\Notice\NotificationController@create | web,role:store,auth |
| media.platform.test | GET|HEAD | notice/notification/create | notification.create | App\Http\Controllers\Media\Notice\NotificationController@create | web,role:media,auth |
| media.platform.test | DELETE | notice/notification/{notification} | notification.destroy | App\Http\Controllers\Media\Notice\NotificationController@destroy | web,role:media,auth |
| media.platform.test | GET|HEAD | notice/notification/{notification} | | App\Http\Controllers\Media\Notice\NotificationController@show | web,role:media,auth |
| media.platform.test | PUT|PATCH | notice/notification/{notification} | notification.update | App\Http\Controllers\Media\Notice\NotificationController@update | web,role:media,auth |
| store.platform.test | PUT|PATCH | notice/notification/{notification} | notification.update | App\Http\Controllers\Store\Notice\NotificationController@update | web,role:store,auth |
| store.platform.test | DELETE | notice/notification/{notification} | notification.destroy | App\Http\Controllers\Store\Notice\NotificationController@destroy | web,role:store,auth |
| store.platform.test | GET|HEAD | notice/notification/{notification} | | App\Http\Controllers\Store\Notice\NotificationController@show | web,role:store,auth |
| media.platform.test | GET|HEAD | notice/notification/{notification}/edit | notification.edit | App\Http\Controllers\Media\Notice\NotificationController@edit | web,role:media,auth |
| store.platform.test | GET|HEAD | notice/notification/{notification}/edit | notification.edit | App\Http\Controllers\Store\Notice\NotificationController@edit | web,role:store,auth |
| admin.platform.test | GET|HEAD | notifications/{notification} | admin. | App\Http\Controllers\Admin\NotificationsController@read | web,role:administrator,auth |
| media.platform.test | POST | order/order | | App\Http\Controllers\Media\Order\OrderController@store | web,role:media,auth |
| media.platform.test | GET|HEAD | order/order | order.index | App\Http\Controllers\Media\Order\OrderController@index | web,role:media,auth |
| media.platform.test | GET|HEAD | order/order/create | order.create | App\Http\Controllers\Media\Order\OrderController@create | web,role:media,auth |
| media.platform.test | GET|HEAD | order/order/{order} | | App\Http\Controllers\Media\Order\OrderController@show | web,role:media,auth |
| media.platform.test | PUT|PATCH | order/order/{order} | order.update | App\Http\Controllers\Media\Order\OrderController@update | web,role:media,auth |
| media.platform.test | DELETE | order/order/{order} | order.destroy | App\Http\Controllers\Media\Order\OrderController@destroy | web,role:media,auth |
| media.platform.test | GET|HEAD | order/order/{order}/edit | order.edit | App\Http\Controllers\Media\Order\OrderController@edit | web,role:media,auth |
| store.platform.test | GET|HEAD | order/show/{show} | | App\Http\Controllers\Store\Order\OrderController@show | web,role:store,auth |
| store.platform.test | GET|HEAD | order/{mode} | | App\Http\Controllers\Store\Order\OrderController@index | web,role:store,auth |
| | POST | password/email | | App\Http\Controllers\Auth\ForgotPasswordController@sendResetLinkEmail | web,guest |
| | GET|HEAD | password/reset | password.request | App\Http\Controllers\Auth\ForgotPasswordController@showLinkRequestForm | web,guest |
| | POST | password/reset | | App\Http\Controllers\Auth\ResetPasswordController@reset | web,guest |
| | GET|HEAD | password/reset/{token} | password.reset | App\Http\Controllers\Auth\ResetPasswordController@showResetForm | web,guest |
| store.platform.test | GET|HEAD | product/excelupload | excelupload.index | App\Http\Controllers\Store\Product\ExcelUploadController@index | web,role:store,auth |
| store.platform.test | POST | product/excelupload | | App\Http\Controllers\Store\Product\ExcelUploadController@store | web,role:store,auth |
| store.platform.test | GET|HEAD | product/excelupload/create | excelupload.create | App\Http\Controllers\Store\Product\ExcelUploadController@create | web,role:store,auth |
| store.platform.test | GET|HEAD | product/excelupload/{excelupload} | | App\Http\Controllers\Store\Product\ExcelUploadController@show | web,role:store,auth |
| store.platform.test | PUT|PATCH | product/excelupload/{excelupload} | excelupload.update | App\Http\Controllers\Store\Product\ExcelUploadController@update | web,role:store,auth |
| store.platform.test | DELETE | product/excelupload/{excelupload} | excelupload.destroy | App\Http\Controllers\Store\Product\ExcelUploadController@destroy | web,role:store,auth |
| store.platform.test | GET|HEAD | product/excelupload/{excelupload}/edit | excelupload.edit | App\Http\Controllers\Store\Product\ExcelUploadController@edit | web,role:store,auth |
| store.platform.test | POST | product/products | | App\Http\Controllers\Store\Product\ProductsController@store | web,role:store,auth |
| media.platform.test | GET|HEAD | product/products | products.index | App\Http\Controllers\Media\Product\ProductController@index | web,role:media,auth |
| media.platform.test | POST | product/products | | App\Http\Controllers\Media\Product\ProductController@store | web,role:media,auth |
| store.platform.test | GET|HEAD | product/products | store.products.index | App\Http\Controllers\Store\Product\ProductsController@index | web,role:store,auth |
| store.platform.test | POST | product/products/ckeditorupload | | App\Http\Controllers\Store\Product\ProductsController@ckeditorupload | web,role:store,auth |
| store.platform.test | GET|HEAD | product/products/create | store.products.create | App\Http\Controllers\Store\Product\ProductsController@create | web,role:store,auth |
| media.platform.test | GET|HEAD | product/products/create | products.create | App\Http\Controllers\Media\Product\ProductController@create | web,role:media,auth |
| media.platform.test | DELETE | product/products/{product} | products.destroy | App\Http\Controllers\Media\Product\ProductController@destroy | web,role:media,auth |
| store.platform.test | GET|HEAD | product/products/{product} | | App\Http\Controllers\Store\Product\ProductsController@show | web,role:store,auth |
| media.platform.test | PUT|PATCH | product/products/{product} | products.update | App\Http\Controllers\Media\Product\ProductController@update | web,role:media,auth |
| media.platform.test | GET|HEAD | product/products/{product} | | App\Http\Controllers\Media\Product\ProductController@show | web,role:media,auth |
| store.platform.test | PUT|PATCH | product/products/{product} | store.products.update | App\Http\Controllers\Store\Product\ProductsController@update | web,role:store,auth |
| store.platform.test | DELETE | product/products/{product} | store.products.destroy | App\Http\Controllers\Store\Product\ProductsController@destroy | web,role:store,auth |
| media.platform.test | GET|HEAD | product/products/{product}/edit | products.edit | App\Http\Controllers\Media\Product\ProductController@edit | web,role:media,auth |
| store.platform.test | GET|HEAD | product/products/{product}/edit | store.products.edit | App\Http\Controllers\Store\Product\ProductsController@edit | web,role:store,auth |
| admin.platform.test | GET|HEAD | products | admin.products.index | App\Http\Controllers\Admin\Product\ProductsController@index | web,role:administrator,auth |
| admin.platform.test | GET|HEAD | products/{product} | | App\Http\Controllers\Admin\Product\ProductsController@show | web,role:administrator,auth |
| | POST | register | | App\Http\Controllers\Auth\RegisterController@register | web,guest |
| | GET|HEAD | register | register | App\Http\Controllers\Auth\RegisterController@showRegistrationForm | web,guest |
| media.platform.test | GET|HEAD | shop/shop | shop.index | App\Http\Controllers\Media\Shop\ShopController@index | web,role:media,auth |
| media.platform.test | POST | shop/shop | | App\Http\Controllers\Media\Shop\ShopController@store | web,role:media,auth |
| media.platform.test | GET|HEAD | shop/shop/create | shop.create | App\Http\Controllers\Media\Shop\ShopController@create | web,role:media,auth |
| media.platform.test | PUT|PATCH | shop/shop/{shop} | shop.update | App\Http\Controllers\Media\Shop\ShopController@update | web,role:media,auth |
| media.platform.test | DELETE | shop/shop/{shop} | shop.destroy | App\Http\Controllers\Media\Shop\ShopController@destroy | web,role:media,auth |
| media.platform.test | GET|HEAD | shop/shop/{shop} | | App\Http\Controllers\Media\Shop\ShopController@show | web,role:media,auth |
| media.platform.test | GET|HEAD | shop/shop/{shop}/edit | shop.edit | App\Http\Controllers\Media\Shop\ShopController@edit | web,role:media,auth |
| store.platform.test | POST | statistics/media | | App\Http\Controllers\Store\Statistics\MediaController@store | web,role:store,auth |
| store.platform.test | GET|HEAD | statistics/media | media.index | App\Http\Controllers\Store\Statistics\MediaController@index | web,role:store,auth |
| store.platform.test | GET|HEAD | statistics/media/create | media.create | App\Http\Controllers\Store\Statistics\MediaController@create | web,role:store,auth |
| store.platform.test | PUT|PATCH | statistics/media/{medium} | media.update | App\Http\Controllers\Store\Statistics\MediaController@update | web,role:store,auth |
| store.platform.test | DELETE | statistics/media/{medium} | media.destroy | App\Http\Controllers\Store\Statistics\MediaController@destroy | web,role:store,auth |
| store.platform.test | GET|HEAD | statistics/media/{medium} | | App\Http\Controllers\Store\Statistics\MediaController@show | web,role:store,auth |
| store.platform.test | GET|HEAD | statistics/media/{medium}/edit | media.edit | App\Http\Controllers\Store\Statistics\MediaController@edit | web,role:store,auth |
| store.platform.test | GET|HEAD | statistics/product | product.index | App\Http\Controllers\Store\Statistics\ProductController@index | web,role:store,auth |
| media.platform.test | POST | statistics/product | | App\Http\Controllers\Media\Statistics\ProductController@store | web,role:media,auth |
| media.platform.test | GET|HEAD | statistics/product | product.index | App\Http\Controllers\Media\Statistics\ProductController@index | web,role:media,auth |
| store.platform.test | POST | statistics/product | | App\Http\Controllers\Store\Statistics\ProductController@store | web,role:store,auth |
| store.platform.test | GET|HEAD | statistics/product/create | product.create | App\Http\Controllers\Store\Statistics\ProductController@create | web,role:store,auth |
| media.platform.test | GET|HEAD | statistics/product/create | product.create | App\Http\Controllers\Media\Statistics\ProductController@create | web,role:media,auth |
| store.platform.test | GET|HEAD | statistics/product/{product} | | App\Http\Controllers\Store\Statistics\ProductController@show | web,role:store,auth |
| media.platform.test | DELETE | statistics/product/{product} | product.destroy | App\Http\Controllers\Media\Statistics\ProductController@destroy | web,role:media,auth |
| media.platform.test | PUT|PATCH | statistics/product/{product} | product.update | App\Http\Controllers\Media\Statistics\ProductController@update | web,role:media,auth |
| store.platform.test | DELETE | statistics/product/{product} | product.destroy | App\Http\Controllers\Store\Statistics\ProductController@destroy | web,role:store,auth |
| media.platform.test | GET|HEAD | statistics/product/{product} | | App\Http\Controllers\Media\Statistics\ProductController@show | web,role:media,auth |
| store.platform.test | PUT|PATCH | statistics/product/{product} | product.update | App\Http\Controllers\Store\Statistics\ProductController@update | web,role:store,auth |
| store.platform.test | GET|HEAD | statistics/product/{product}/edit | product.edit | App\Http\Controllers\Store\Statistics\ProductController@edit | web,role:store,auth |
| media.platform.test | GET|HEAD | statistics/product/{product}/edit | product.edit | App\Http\Controllers\Media\Statistics\ProductController@edit | web,role:media,auth |
| store.platform.test | POST | statistics/statistics | | App\Http\Controllers\Store\Statistics\StatisticsController@store | web,role:store,auth |
| store.platform.test | GET|HEAD | statistics/statistics | statistics.index | App\Http\Controllers\Store\Statistics\StatisticsController@index | web,role:store,auth |
| media.platform.test | GET|HEAD | statistics/statistics | statistics.index | App\Http\Controllers\Media\Statistics\StatisticsController@index | web,role:media,auth |
| media.platform.test | POST | statistics/statistics | | App\Http\Controllers\Media\Statistics\StatisticsController@store | web,role:media,auth |
| media.platform.test | GET|HEAD | statistics/statistics/create | statistics.create | App\Http\Controllers\Media\Statistics\StatisticsController@create | web,role:media,auth |
| store.platform.test | GET|HEAD | statistics/statistics/create | statistics.create | App\Http\Controllers\Store\Statistics\StatisticsController@create | web,role:store,auth |
| store.platform.test | GET|HEAD | statistics/statistics/{statistic} | | App\Http\Controllers\Store\Statistics\StatisticsController@show | web,role:store,auth |
| media.platform.test | PUT|PATCH | statistics/statistics/{statistic} | statistics.update | App\Http\Controllers\Media\Statistics\StatisticsController@update | web,role:media,auth |
| media.platform.test | DELETE | statistics/statistics/{statistic} | statistics.destroy | App\Http\Controllers\Media\Statistics\StatisticsController@destroy | web,role:media,auth |
| media.platform.test | GET|HEAD | statistics/statistics/{statistic} | | App\Http\Controllers\Media\Statistics\StatisticsController@show | web,role:media,auth |
| store.platform.test | PUT|PATCH | statistics/statistics/{statistic} | statistics.update | App\Http\Controllers\Store\Statistics\StatisticsController@update | web,role:store,auth |
| store.platform.test | DELETE | statistics/statistics/{statistic} | statistics.destroy | App\Http\Controllers\Store\Statistics\StatisticsController@destroy | web,role:store,auth |
| media.platform.test | GET|HEAD | statistics/statistics/{statistic}/edit | statistics.edit | App\Http\Controllers\Media\Statistics\StatisticsController@edit | web,role:media,auth |
| store.platform.test | GET|HEAD | statistics/statistics/{statistic}/edit | statistics.edit | App\Http\Controllers\Store\Statistics\StatisticsController@edit | web,role:store,auth |
| admin.platform.test | GET|HEAD | stores | admin.stores.index | App\Http\Controllers\Admin\Store\StoresController@index | web,role:administrator,auth |
| admin.platform.test | POST | stores | | App\Http\Controllers\Admin\Store\StoresController@store | web,role:administrator,auth |
| admin.platform.test | POST | stores/active | | App\Http\Controllers\Admin\Store\StoresController@active | web,role:administrator,auth |
| admin.platform.test | GET|HEAD | stores/create | admin.stores.create | App\Http\Controllers\Admin\Store\StoresController@create | web,role:administrator,auth |
| admin.platform.test | POST | stores/registFee | admin.stores.registFee | App\Http\Controllers\Admin\Store\StoresController@registFee | web,role:administrator,auth |
| admin.platform.test | DELETE | stores/{store} | admin.stores.destroy | App\Http\Controllers\Admin\Store\StoresController@destroy | web,role:administrator,auth |
| admin.platform.test | PUT|PATCH | stores/{store} | admin.stores.update | App\Http\Controllers\Admin\Store\StoresController@update | web,role:administrator,auth |
| admin.platform.test | GET|HEAD | stores/{store} | | App\Http\Controllers\Admin\Store\StoresController@show | web,role:administrator,auth |
| admin.platform.test | GET|HEAD | stores/{store}/edit | admin.stores.edit | App\Http\Controllers\Admin\Store\StoresController@edit | web,role:administrator,auth |
| admin.platform.test | GET|HEAD | users | admin.users.index | App\Http\Controllers\Admin\User\UsersController@index | web,role:administrator,auth |
| admin.platform.test | GET|HEAD | users/{user} | admin.users.edit | App\Http\Controllers\Admin\User\UsersController@edit | web,role:administrator,auth |
| admin.platform.test | PUT | users/{user} | admin.users.update | App\Http\Controllers\Admin\User\UsersController@update | web,role:administrator,auth |
| | GET|HEAD | waiting | | Closure | web |
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[MAC] 포멧 후 개발환경 설정 (0) | 2018.09.17 |